Friday, May 7, 2010

House Rule 30, any person (part 3)

21. The fortune position should not obstructed by the tree. The depreciation power is not the tree should be located. Because the tree is Yin energy. Will complement the flow is not good.
22. Star number 1 is a depreciation star. If this is the cape corner or roof. People in home will die with water such as drown, poison, drug.
23. Good fortune, consider water. Reputation and honor, consider Star number 1,4. Health, consider Prestige star is in the position or not. Basis with the temporary Star.
24. If deteriorate Star and temporary Star or era Star is the same on the position in front of home is considered bad will lose finances.
25. The deterioration Star and overlap mountains which is at the same. But see the top of the next mountain only same as a roof of the next house. If the bad Star rotate to that position. Uncommon to find in house.
26. The power flow or road. Don't crash into the house. Especially nearest road or footpath should open the door which is the fortune Star or encourage Star. The enfold road will curve to kindness. Straight road, but there is no power flow. The door is an important point to consider.
27. Wells established on the fortune direction to benefit Instead of Phukan (Phukan means graduates). If stay in the unfortune direction will be bad.
28. Towers and pagodas means Phukan. If established in the star number 1,4 or 1,6 will be famous. If the star is punishable 7,9 or 2,5 danger of fires.
29. Bridges are a good side will benefit. but the bad side to disastrous effect. A stone bridge effected than the wooden bridge.
30. House at the end of land. Should not the opposite corner of the land.

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