Monday, May 31, 2010

In a tiny office

You get a tiny officd of your own. There is a door and a window and on one wall there is shelving. You need to arrange your desk and desk chair, a visitor's chair, and a filing cabinet. That's all you have room for. You can only think of five realistic options, but which one is best?
Eposed position
The energy pathway from the door to the window will pass directly across your chair. The effect will be to make you feel uncomfortable if you spend long periods in that position, probably without realizing why. This will be made all the worse by the fact that your back is exposed and you cannot see who is entering the room. You will feel even more constricted by facing the wall.
More vulnerable
The energy pathway is the same, but now you have put your back to the door. You can see out of the window, so it is less claustrophobic, but your back is even more exposed and vulnerable and the back of your neck and head are directly in the current between the door and the window.
An improvement
You have a better sense of who is coming into the room, which is also more welcoming to visitors. But you are still cut off by the wall in front of your desk, your back is unsupported, and you are sitting in the current between the door and the window.
Out of the current
In this arrangement you have moved out of the way of the current between the door and the window and you have a clear line of sight to the door. Your back is relatively supported, although part of it is exposed to the window. You should draw the blinds across that part of the window. The position of your visitors is not satisfactory, but this is a temporary location for them.
Better backing
The visitor's position is still a problem, but in this arrangement, your back is in a good position, you have space in front, can see the door and you sit out of the energy current. Make sure the wall shelves do not extend over your head.

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