Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Thunder

The area of Thunder is the energy of our Elders.
Like the thunder that precedes the storm, our elders or ancestors come before us. Respect and honor for them is a traditional principle all but lost in modern society. This area relates directly to those who are your superiors, bosses, parents, and elders; some of them are in your biological family, but included are those above you in your work environment as well. Associated with energy that moves upward and outward like a tree, Thunder or Elders is also symbolized by musical instruments (noisemakers), tall plants (upward growth), sunrise, and other aspects of this energy depicted in art or objects. This area is 180 degrees opposite the house that rules children and offspring, the Lake.
When there is an indentation or a missing part of the house in this area of the bagua, occupants are liable to feel a loss of energy and lack endurance and vitality. Children born in these houses may leave home at a very early age. When there is a projection in this area, the energy created in the house will lead to greater success in life for the occupants.

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