Friday, June 25, 2010

The Fire

The area of Fire, completing the bagua, is Illumination.
Being charged by Fire means manifesting an energy of clarity. At the end of the cycle, as at the end of life, we finally see that that light shines from within. When we are in the spotlight or the public eye, this area might be called Fame. But it is clear that public recognition or worldwide exposure can still leave a superstar in the dark. This area of the house corresponds not to being in the spotlight but rather to Illumination form within and the ability to illuminate or enlighten others. It is symbolized by the active, pulsating energy of summer and is enhanced by objects that illuminate the soul, like great works of literature, Old Master paintings, or deeply moving music or poetry. Fire is 180 degrees opposite the house of Water, reminding us that we are constantly in relationship to our path and must always be "doing what we want to do." Many people, after achieving fame and material success, are ruled by the demands placed upon them as a result of their newfound popularity. This may take them away form their path, The Journey, the house of Water-always in relationship with Fire. Many famous artists and political figures leave behind the glitter and notoriety to pursue a dream more true to their inner nature. Enlightened masters abandon desire. The mastery of Fire distinguishes human beings from all the other animals.
When this part of the bagua is missing from the house, occupants will be overconcerned about other people's opinions and find it difficult to develop self-confidence. When it is a projection, the energy that is created will often cause people to become well known in society or to achieve a state of self-realization through daily life.

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