Tuesday, July 27, 2010


While watching a magician saw a woman in half or make an elephant vanish in midair, the baffled spectator can hardly imagine just how simple these illusions really are. Without mirrors, more than half the magic of Las Vagas would be lost. Alice in Wonderland discovered a whole new world beyond the looking glass, and Snow White's face was closely tied to the mirror on the wall. Because mirrors are one of the most commonly employed cures in feng shui, it is important to understand how to use them properly.
Mirrors for simple reflection
Mirrors have many different functions. As an ordinary object, the mirror reflects the human image and is used almost every day for shaving, applying makeup, straightening neckties or hemlines, and dressing. The two most common mirrors in our homes, in the bed room and bath, may actually be creating difficulty while performing their basic function.
All mirrors should be kept spotlessly clean. Broken, damaged worn, or faded mirrors will have a strong effect, usually unersirable, and should be replaced. Decorative mirrors made of smoked glass can be lovely in the right place and used in order to create a certain well defined aesthetic feeling, but they should be avoided when the human image will be seen "amid the haze." Similarly, painted mirrors are really objects of art and should be placed so as to function as an element of design rather than reflect faces.
Because we are more than just our body or face, mirrors are frequently too small to reflect the whole field of energy that we really are. Around our physical body is a field of vibration called an aura. Whether we can see it or not, this field can be measured using various forms of technology, including Kirlian photography. The aura around the head, like a halo on an angel, extends an everage of six inches beyond the physical form. When we look at our image each morning or night as it is reflected in a small bathroom mirror over the sink, who we are is limited to the physical self. Mirrors that reflect the face should be larger than the body-- as we become "larger than life."

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