Friday, June 25, 2010

The Fire

The area of Fire, completing the bagua, is Illumination.
Being charged by Fire means manifesting an energy of clarity. At the end of the cycle, as at the end of life, we finally see that that light shines from within. When we are in the spotlight or the public eye, this area might be called Fame. But it is clear that public recognition or worldwide exposure can still leave a superstar in the dark. This area of the house corresponds not to being in the spotlight but rather to Illumination form within and the ability to illuminate or enlighten others. It is symbolized by the active, pulsating energy of summer and is enhanced by objects that illuminate the soul, like great works of literature, Old Master paintings, or deeply moving music or poetry. Fire is 180 degrees opposite the house of Water, reminding us that we are constantly in relationship to our path and must always be "doing what we want to do." Many people, after achieving fame and material success, are ruled by the demands placed upon them as a result of their newfound popularity. This may take them away form their path, The Journey, the house of Water-always in relationship with Fire. Many famous artists and political figures leave behind the glitter and notoriety to pursue a dream more true to their inner nature. Enlightened masters abandon desire. The mastery of Fire distinguishes human beings from all the other animals.
When this part of the bagua is missing from the house, occupants will be overconcerned about other people's opinions and find it difficult to develop self-confidence. When it is a projection, the energy that is created will often cause people to become well known in society or to achieve a state of self-realization through daily life.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Mountain

The Mountain is the area of quiet Contemplation.
Ancient sages spent hours in quiet contemplation, often amid the clear air and quiet solitude of a mountain cave. Following hours of study or meditation, the ancients would face their worldly ignorance and deepen their knowledge of self. This area in our house, also referred to as Inner Knowledge, does not come from what you know, but instead is charged by what you know you don't know. A college diploma, graduate degree, or honors award in the Department of Intellect may be an important measure to some, but thousands of the world's greatest teachers, philosophere, masters, artists, and mentors drew their wisdom from within - and had no certification or credit form the university. Inner knowledge depends on self-reflection or introspection, often carried out late at night or in the early hours of the morning. The moutain is symbolized by containers (like caves), churches, solitary items, empty boxes or vessels, and the stillness of nature in the wintertime.
When this area of the bagua is missing in the house or is indented a couple living there may find it difficult to conceive a child. A single woman may have difficulty with her reproductive organs. A projection in this area also leads to difficulty for the inhabitants. Family arguments and tension will abound as each person becomes more and more selfish. This is the one house of the bagua that should ideally have neither a projection nor an indentation.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Lake

The area of the Lake is related to our Creativity.
All that we create - our children, projects, and stories and master pieces of the art world - come from the energy of the Lake. Often called Offspring, this area of our house brings a youthful joy and imagination into being. Here, we develop plans for a new store, invent a better mousetrap, give birth to a poem or song, and plant the seed of a new life. Creativity lives in all of us, large and small, young and old. With it, life is magical; without it, life is over. This area of our house also symbolizes all the related aspects of the sensory organs: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. In particular, fragrant blossoms, glistening ponds, delicious desserts, and melodious music enhance the essence of the Lake, as do images of these aspects presented in art and objects. This area is also associated with twilight, immediately before sunset.
When this part of the bagua is missing in the house, occupants will have difficulty saving money for their own enjoyment. They will tend to spend it or give it away foolishly. When there is a projection in this area, occupants will be sociable, happy, and well fed, although they may often be the brunt of ridiculous gossip!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


The area of Heaven is the door open to Helpful Friends.
The way of nature is the way of Heaven. Gifts form above, as manifest on the earth, occur in the form of support, guidance, and love form close friends. This area, Helpful Friends, is the door through which volunteers, supportive staff, good neighbors, and "angles" of the figurative and real variety may enter your life. It is also the area through which you, as a helpful friend in other people's lives, serve by giving away your talents, time, and energy unconditionally. The essence of this area of our house is philanthropy - not through donations of cash to a chairty or tithing to a church - but through our own selfless acts of giving away what is most important to us without expecting anything in return. It is symbolized by semiprecious gemstones, diamonds, and lead crystal objects. Heaven also embodies the strongest charge of the masculine principle, opposite the image of Earth's feminine charge.
When this area of the bagua is missing from the house, a man will have difficulty with his employers. He may also suffer from illness and lack vitality. When this area is projected, occupants will more naturally be able to develop a concern for their fellow human beings and act in ways that support people in the society who have less material wealth.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Tai Chi

The center, called the Tai Chi, symbolizes all complementary antagonisms and Unity.
The vital center of the body, called the hara, is the deep, rooted space from which life's energy, or chi, emanates. Like the gravitational midpoint of our anatomy, the Tai Chi in a room or house is the place of profound Unity. Here, in the center of the home, many traditional cultures and families would bring complementary aspects from the outside, like a small courtyard with a garden or atrium. Most of all, Unity must be uncluttered, clean, and orderly. More a point of reference than an actual space with certain dimensions, Unity contains aspects of all eigth trigrams and may be the most important part of your home or office if your main concern is health. To be truly healthy is to unite the best aspects of all eight houses in the bagua good relationships with friends and family, a satisfying career, feeling of being blessed, and so on. The Tai Chi contains "everything" and "nothing".
When this area is "missin," then the outside is in the inside there is a courtyard or garden in the center! This is a wonderful design used by many traditional cultures. Placing water in this area is wise only if the water remains fresh, active, and moving. The overall dimension of an outdoor or garden area in the Tai Chi should be less than one-third of the total usable indoor space.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Wind

The area of Wind is the place of Fortunate Blessings.
Most people associate good luck with winning the lottery, picking the right horse at the racetrack, or receiving an unexpected gift such as an inheritance or the prize at a raffle. The area of Wind, though often associated with wealth, is more accurately the area where we experience blessing in our lives - even in the midst of great difficulty - and remember just how blessed we truly are. Not just being on the receiving end of dollars, to be in Fortunate Blessings means to have a very real perception and experience of good luck in many areas of life, to be blessed by good omens, prosperity, harmony, and even health. Acknowledgment by a co-worker or employer, gratitude expressed by a sibling, a promotion at work, or an honor received through a trade association are all signs of Wind in harmony.
The symbol of penetration, like wind blowing through a screen, and the lighter aspects of the tree nature inherent in palms or willows are more closely related to this area and can be enhanced through art and other symbolic objects. Directly opposite Wind, 180 degrees across the bagua, is Heaven, which rules philanthropy. Of course, the more blessings we receive, the more we can give away.
When this area of the bagua is missing in the house, occupants will have more frequent accidents and experience "bad luck." They will frequently have difficulty with business affairs, documents, legal contracts, and taxes. If this area is a projection, occupants are often very successful in business and generally enjoy "good luck" and fortune.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Thunder

The area of Thunder is the energy of our Elders.
Like the thunder that precedes the storm, our elders or ancestors come before us. Respect and honor for them is a traditional principle all but lost in modern society. This area relates directly to those who are your superiors, bosses, parents, and elders; some of them are in your biological family, but included are those above you in your work environment as well. Associated with energy that moves upward and outward like a tree, Thunder or Elders is also symbolized by musical instruments (noisemakers), tall plants (upward growth), sunrise, and other aspects of this energy depicted in art or objects. This area is 180 degrees opposite the house that rules children and offspring, the Lake.
When there is an indentation or a missing part of the house in this area of the bagua, occupants are liable to feel a loss of energy and lack endurance and vitality. Children born in these houses may leave home at a very early age. When there is a projection in this area, the energy created in the house will lead to greater success in life for the occupants.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Earth

The area of Earth corresponds to Relationships.
Relationships with others, whether platonic, professional, or passionate, help us to become better intergrated with parts of ourselves we cannot so easily see. For some, relationships with clients or customers mean money; for others, relationships are the source of great happiness, resulting in marriage and the beginning of family -  for many, the main focus of life. But the essence of this area is symbolized by Earth, the Receptive. Earth corresponds to all things that receive, like cushions or pillows (they receive your body), fields and uncultivated land (open areas), and the highest nature of sincere modesty, basic humility and an empty, giving, open heart. To be in a relationship means to be truly receptive as well as giving.
The inner world of relationships is 180 degrees across the bagua, called Contemplation. Our relationships with others are always a result of how we carry them within ourselves. Earth is the area that carries the strongest charge of the Feminine Principle.
When this area is missing from the bagua in a house, women may have trouble living there. Occupants may also have difficulty with issues involving land or agriculture. When it is a projection, the house will be happiest when many women live there, although men may be much less happy in such a house.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Water

The area of Water is the beginning, called The Journey.
Life proceeds along a path, like a journey. This area of our life is like riding in a boat down a river. The Water area is sometimes called carrer, but it is much more than your job. It represents the freedom to do what you want to do -  for life to flow effortlessly, with clarity and ease. It is a natural site to include objects containing liquid, such as inks, paint, medicine, or oil, or art that depicts or symbolizes water in some way, including rivers, streams, oceans, fish, whales, and waterfalls.
When this area is missing from the bagua in your home, some occupant of the house may suffer from illness unless it is corrected by placement. If there is a projection in this area, the occupants will usually acquire wealth and have a keen understanding of how to use it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Working at home

What happens if you are one of the increasing number of people who undertake freelance work at home? If you have the space, you may be able to convert one of your rooms into a small office, in which case you can adapt the information in this part of the book to meet your circumstances.
But supposing you don't have all that much extra space and you need to accommodate some work space in another room, say a spare bedroom? You will find yourself having to make choices and compromises. The part of the room which has the bed will be for a Yin purpose and the area where you set up your office will for a Yang purpose each has different requirements. In order to determine how best to arrange the room you need to determine the main use of the room: is it primarily a bedroom that is used from time to time for office work, or is it the other way around? Taking the primary use into account is the best rule of thumb for deciding some of the basic questions.
For example, here are the floor plans of a small bedroom, arranged according to two primary uses. In Plan, the bed is in the best possible location in relation to door and window, but there are drawbacks in the way the desk has been arranged. This would be appropriate if the main use of the room was as a bedroom. If the main use was as an office, you could switch the bed and desk so that the bed was on the same side as the door (less suitable) and position the desk more toward the center of the room, allowin you space to sit behind it with your back to the wall. The screen helps protect the sleeping space.
In all such considerations, don't burden yourself with trying to come up with the absolutely perfect solution. There is no such concept in Feng Shui. You must take as many aspects into account as possible, try to decide which are the most important, and see what you can do to accommodate them harmoniously.